Added McLachlan quadrupolar generalization, T1-rho, T2-rho, Bloch-Siegert shift
Normalizad cartesian operators in sections 4.6 and 5.2
Corrected equation 2.28, 2.107
Corrected the definition of magnetization in chapter 8
Corrected equations in section 5.3.4
Spin temperature is now a separate chapter
Added relaxation component to Provotorov and generalized formula
Added section on adibatic demagentization and remagnetization
Added small part on steady state
New symbol for the local field and frequency
Corrected mistake in the definition of the unitary operator
Added definition of normalized spin operator
Renforced use of curly brachet for trace
Included creative commons license and release date
Added part on spin temperature (including Provotorv equations)
Added part on Ernst Angle
Added part on extarcting correlation function from molecular dynamics simulations
Corrected formula 5.86, 7.25, 7.26, 7.27
Added part on adiabatic pulses
New Cover
Added chapter about Lindblad theory
Mojour revision of section 5.3 with the addition of spin-locking
Added e-mail on front page
Added chapter on solid state
Renamed chapter 5 and added electron Hamiltonians
Better definition of Liouville space and modify equation 2.20, 2.97
Corrected small mistake in equations 2.99, 2.104, 2.105
Better positioning of table 4.5
Changed symbols for singlet-triplet states and relaxation times
New symbol for electron charge
Majour revisions to 3.7 and 6.1.1
Added symbol for Hilber space dimension
Explicitly stated summation limits where possible
Notation corrections at equations 5.7, 5.41, 5.57, 5.58
Corrected definition of dot product
Added spin operators discussion in chapter 2
Added operator symbol to spectral density matrix elements
Clearer symbol for immaginary unit
Corrected mistake in quadrupolar Hamiltonian
Corrected the use of the term "double commutator"
Added website on cover
Added symbol list
Symbol modifications to avoid majour overlappings
Stricter definition on spin operators
Renamed Chapter 5 into the more correct "Other Nuclear Hamiltonians"
Added RF Hamiltonian and Shaped pulses
Corrected typo in formula 4.49
Modified sentence in the correlation time definition and expanded formula 3.15
Added antisymmetric component of chemical shift
Added in chapter 4 the calculation of T1 and T2 for pure chemical shift anisotropy/antisymmetric
Initial Version